About me

Hey there! Glad to see you here! I am an architectural designer, seasonal web designer, active thinker, and optimist.

In 2014, I moved to Oregon and began my master’s study in the school of architecture and allied arts at University of Oregon. My research topic was 3D web application development based on Building Information Model(BIM). For my graduate research project, I developed a web application to demonstrate web-based BIM. Please take a look at the project at www.3dlewis.com.

Prior studying at University of Oregon, I practiced architectural design for four years in Beijing. I was a leading designer in an international design team which had developed award-winning projects in China. After graduation from University of Oregon in 2016, I moved to San Francisco the Bay Area, and worked as an architectural designer for one year while exploring California.

In Spring, 2017, I moved back to China after studying and working for three years in United States. Currently I am living in Shanghai trying to start my new career while navigating through this magical city.

Connect with me on LinkedIn and feel free to shoot me an email.
